Learning Opportunities, Inc. has proudly served schools for over 25 years. Today, we aim to provide our customers with high quality materials from thousands of publishers while continuing to provide high quality service.
Whether you are looking for the newest titles, custom collections, classroom libraries, leveled bookrooms and more, Learning Opportunities has you covered!
Who We Serve
No matter your size, Learning Opportunities can handle all your print and digital book needs with one-stop purchasing!
District Purchasing
We provide highly personalized services and partner with you to provide books and services for your district-wide projects and programs.
Print and Digital Materials Summer School Programs Language Support After School Programs Title I Programs Parent and Family Resources
School Libraries
Fill your school libraries with the highest quality products to further enhance your students' education and desire to read.
Custom Collections Shelf-Ready Processing STEM/STEAM World Languages Online Collection Analysis Prebound Editions Made In-House
Our specialized services can help provide your classrooms with a diverse array of print and digital titles for readers of all ages and levels. Supplemental Curriculum Early Childhood Class Sets Leveled Collections Striving Readers EL, ELL & Dual Language Programs
Cataloging and Processing
Fully customizable cataloging and processing is available, and everything is completed in-house. Only high-quality labels and processing materials are used, and we offer many affordable options tailored to your budget.
Classroom and Levelled Reading
We understand the importance of having the right books for all your students. From early childhood libraries to leveled libraries, independent reading libraries to Spanish and bilingual titles, we can provide you with titles for all your readers.
Collection Development
No cookie cutter or automatic generated lists are used for your collections. Instead, Collection Development uses their extensive knowledge of books to curate a custom collection designed to fit your budget and readers' needs.